hackjess's Journal

Jul 2012
9:28 AM EDT

Water Fights, Wrestling, and Chick Flicks

This morning I woke up and I went to work, where I was working the swim team and morning shift. The early morning shift was hard. Kaylei and I were the only ones working, so when I was on stand, she would take a nap and I would have to be the one to wake her up so that she could go up on stand. Because of the naps she was taking, she was really tired, so Ryan let her go and get Starbucks. After guarding for a bit, Morgan came up and brought me a breakfast/lunch that consisted of three sandwiches, some granola bars, and a pack of jello. Needlesstosay, it was very good. After work I went home and chilled for a bit and then went to Morgan's house. The plan was to go to Institute and then go to the Muny to see Aladdin. So we went to Institute with Will Black and his sister, Rose. There we played basketball and attempted to teach Will and Rose how to juggle, but sadly, they just haven't gotten the hang of it yet. We then ate pizza then went into the primary room, where we had a Bible study type thing where we began to learn about the book of Abraham in one of the books that Morman's use... We then found out that all of the free seats were already taken for the Muny, so we went back to Morgan's house where we played DixIt? or something like that where you try to guess who played what card based on the pictures on the card and the clue that the person gave. It was really, really fun! I ended up winning. The Mormans tried to use some verses against me knowing that I didn't know them so I would have no clue what the hint was. But miraculously, I figured it out and won. Like a boss. Then we decided that we were hungry, but I went to the bathroom and washed my hands. And sadly, Blake wasn't there so I couldn't dry my hands on his face, so I did it to Morgan, and it ended up in a HUGE water fight throughout her house and then turned into a wrestling match between the two of us. It was awesome. I won. Well, not really. Then we watched While You Were Sleeping, which is a movie that stars Sandra Bullock. It was really good. Then I went home and slept... because I was EXHAUSTED.

hackjess's Profile

  • Username: hackjess
  • Gender / Age: Female, 35
  • Location: USA - Missouri