greg's Journal

Dec 2006
4:37 AM PDT

well i just moved to covina duing august.before that i lived in anaheim but i hated it. the school sucked i hated the area it was like i was in the ghetto. and you wouldnt ever think of that being in anaheim but there is.i went to school at syamore junior high. there was liek a big drug problem alot of kids did crstal meth,weed and noz. usually everyday the cops would bring drg sniifing dogs to sniff out our room and in january they did a big raid and arrested liek 20 people thats alot epecialy for a junior high.i was supposed to be attending anaheim high (worst school).....i was ready to be on the football team but then i got the news that i was moving over to was i happy......i love the nieghborhood my school everything. i got really cool friends its like im in heaven.

greg's Profile

  • Username: greg
  • Gender / Age: Male, 33
  • Location: USA - California
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