greeneyez24's Journal

Jul 2007
11:03 PM EDT

God gave me eyes, but you made me see, the love that we share, between you and me. God gave me a heart, but you made me feel, the pain behind love which seemed so unreal. God gave me hands but you made me touch the heart of a man, that matters so much. God gave me legs but you made me fall, deep in love with you, I guess this is our call. God gave me a mind but you made me know, that you think of me wherever you go. God gave me a tongue, but you made me speak, of the love which we shared, the love I onced seeked. But what matters most is that God gave me you, to love and to hold until both our lives are through.

greeneyez24's Profile

  • Username: greeneyez24
  • Gender / Age: Female, 42
  • Location: USA - Nevada
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    GREENEYEZ24's Interests:

    About Me:  MySpace Profile Photo Editor

    Interests: my interests are gambling i love doing that, playing with my two daughters, writing poems in my free time, and I know it may sound funny but I love cleaning im a neat freak from hell.

    Favorite Music: I like nickelback, buckcherry, guns n roses, ozzy, metallica, these are all my favorite men

    Favorite Movies: i dont watch movies

    Favorite Television: i dont watch tv either

    Favorite Books: dont have time to really sit and read