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giddy23's Journal
Apr 2008
8:25 AM EDT
Smoking that tastes like chocolate
I know about smoking oils right from the time I had my first cigarette but I really didn’t think of giving them a try. This is because I was happy with smoking normal cigarettes and didn’t dare to look beyond. However one of my friends said that smoking oils would give my smoking experience a while new meaning. But frankly I was happy with what I had and told him that I was really not interested. Little did I know that I was missing out on a great smoking experience. However I got my first experience of smoking oil at a friend’s party. The party was superbly arranged with dance, music and even herbal shishas. There were many people trying out smoking oils and haze buds. No one amongst us ever did drugs and my friends said that smoking oils did not do any harm and in fact tasted great. So I finally decided to give them a try after much convincing from my friends. What I tasted was one of the best things I had ever tasted in my entire life. The smoking oil laced herbal cigarette tasted like chocolate. There were other flavors as well but I liked the chocolate flavor the most. Just a few drops of smoking oil on the cigarette provided an ultra potent smoke. The oil was made from the best herb extracts and contained natural ingredients. I immediately asked my friend that I would like to order a bottle of smoking oil myself and they told me that I could purchase it from Monster Smoke Shop online site. I had really missed out on such a wonderful experience before and hence I decided to buy the bottle straight after going home. I logged on to Monster Smoke Shop and immediately added the chocolate flavored smoking oil to my card. There were some great combo offers on different flavored herbal shishas as well. So I decided to buy the fruit flavored shishas also. I was really stunned with the high quality and freshness of the products from Monster Smoke Shop. no wonder, I have become a regular patron of the site buying its product as and when I require them.
chocolate smoke
flavored smoking
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Male, 50
USA - Alabama
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