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gelli's Journal
Jan 2015
6:07 AM PST
The Value of Sine and Cosine of an Angle
�The Lesson �or Topic I appreciate to be like is The value of the Sine and Cosine of an Angle. Can be obtained using a calculator or a table of trigonometric functions, or by reading from the unit circle. A scientific calculator can be used to obtain decimal approximations of the function values of an angle. Whether the function is expressed in radians or�degree does not matter. But this situation I want using by reading from �unit circle this process make me so enjoyable, exciting because you can find an interesting.�
� � � The second topic I was love this Third Quarter is Trigonometric Identities. Using the Fundamental Identities, the proof of the other Identities may also be established. The example of �Fundamental Identities are Reciprocal, Quotient, Pythagorean Identities. As you can see this ways are so Difficult but if you listening in your teacher you understand Everything. They had an easily way to determined the Trigonometric Identities if you can visualize the tan-sin-cos-hexagon. Some suggested strategies for proving identities are follows, Simplify the more complicated side of the equation first, After simplifying one side as much as possible work on the other side until the two side are Equal, Finally express all function values in terms of values of sines and cosines. If I relate this in our life like we decide what we will choose first to solve the problem between our parents and friends. We solve the problem first on our parents because this is a complicated side if our parents was gonna be gone so hard for us to accept. Parents is the first we help us if we have a problems.
� � �Every lesson have a connected to each other so we responsibility to understand the different lesson. You must still have a knowledge from your previous lessons, in order for you to fully understand the next lessons you'll be taking. You'll use them as a foundation. In life the Past cannot be Changed, Forgotten or Erased. However the lessons learned can prepare you for a BRIGHTER FUTURE. Third Quarter was AWESOME
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Female, 26
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