garygtmm's Journal

Dec 2008
8:46 AM CST

December horse training: Cara

Cara's good stuff:

  • showed her that turning away from me when I approach is hard work
  • getting her to remember to respond to leg cues from the ground. Progressing very well
  • she lowers her head on verbal command and pressure on the poll
  • she collects like a champ...really light on the front.
  • stands still for mounting from a fence
  • lowers head for halter/bridle and takes bit really well
  • really good with healthy feet...sore foot requires caution (she will pick it up but stomp it down)
  • ghost leads perfectly except a little rough moving away from me without halter cues
  • lounges well in both directions...still ignores whoa if loping or at a fast trot
  • ties quietly

Cara needs work here:

  • learning to stop on whoa at a all speeds
  • move away sideways/turn without halter cues while leading
  • get her softer with the leg cues
  • supple her with a bit on the ground
  • lots of one rein stops to control her speed...likes to go too hard
  • butte, saddle her and ride her every third day
  • habitually holds her head too high...need a martingale so she doesn't get pissed off with my constant reminders.


2 comment(s) - 03:17 PM - 12/31/2008

garygtmm's Profile

  • Username: garygtmm
  • Gender / Age: Male, 57
  • Location: Canada
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