garryageez's Journal

Jan 2007
4:07 PM GMT

saddam hussein execution. Right or wrong? Saddam Hussein, The tyranical x - leader of Iraq has been executed. To many who have suffered under his oppressive regime, the relief must be great, to know that the dark shadow of his rule has gone forever. But I cant help thinking that for every despot that the so called civilised world gets rid of, there is another waiting to take his place. I hope with all my heart that the world will one day be free from such oppresion, war and blood-shed. But the reality is, we are living in a society rooted upon greed, led by rulers who act not through wisdom but by their own vested interests. If it hadnt been for the oil, I doubt very much wether Old uncle sam would have had the slightest interest in Kuwait when Saddam invaded. And if it had`nt been for the so called war on terrorism following the tragic events of september 11 and George Bush` own personal hatred of saddam, that maybe he would still be in power, killng all of those that opposed him. Lets also remember that America was built on the foundation of the murder and bloodshed of millions of innocent Native Americans. May I also add that the whole of the western world was built on this same unstable foundation of violence and hatred and the collective negative karma created from these times is beginning to come to fruition now . I feel we are all now suffering from the collective negative karma of our predecesors, The result of past actions are now coming to fruition and this is why our world is filled with so much hatred and confussion. It is now time for us Humans to turn our thinking around and start to make serious effort to purify this bad karma and this can only be done through right action. As Jesus Christ said "He who is without sin cast the first stone". Please note this is not intended as a critisism of the american people but of the present Government. If this comment causes anyone offence I appologise most sincerely, as this was not my intention. As a follower of the teachings of the Buddha I have been taught to feel compassion for all beings and to exercise love for all. We are all victims of our own illusion and sadam is the perfect example of where an undisciplined and egotistical mind can lead us. The Tibetan people say that our worst enemies can be our best teachers, as they are the ones who give us the best opportunities to practice compassion. So to round it off, What was the motive behind his execution, was it Justice or out right revenge? The truth is even though he has now been dealt with the same Human problems still exists, and the fallout yet to be suffered from this act will lead to the death and suffering of many more innocents. Proof that hatred cannot cease by hatred but by love alone can it cease. Garry D.

garryageez's Profile

  • Username: garryageez
  • Gender / Age: Male, 62
  • Location: United Kingdom