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garryageez's Journal
Jan 2007
4:05 PM GMT
Reincarnation, literally "to be made flesh again", as a doctrine or mystical belief, holds the notion that some essential part of a living being (or in some variations, only human beings) can survive death in some form, with its integrity partly or wholly retained, to be reborn in a new body. This part is often referred to as the Spirit or Soul, the 'Higher or True Self', 'Divine Spark', 'I' or the 'Ego' (not to be confused with the ego as defined by psychology). In such beliefs, a new personality is developed during each life in the physical world, based upon past integrated experience and new acquired experiences, but some part of the being remains constantly present throughout these successive lives as well. It is usually believed that there is interaction between predeterminism of certain experiences, or lessons intended to happen during the physical life, and the free-will action of the individual as they live that life. This doctrine is a central tenet within the majority of Indian religious traditions such as Yoga, Vaishnavism and Shaivism (from Hinduism), and also Jainism and Sikhism. It was common belief among the Ancient Greeks and Ancient Romans[citation needed]. Many modern Pagans also believe in reincarnation as do some New Age movements, along with followers of Spiritism, practitioners of certain African traditions, and students of esoteric philosophies. The Buddhist concept of Rebirth although often referred to as reincarnation differs significantly from the Vedic based traditions and New Age movements in that the "self" (or soul) does not reincarnate. Garrys View: When i once asked a venerable Buddhist monk "when reborn, are we the same person as we where ,when we passed from our last life"? His answer was, "it is like milk and cheese". After great consideration of these words, I began to realize what he meant. We are who we are "personality wise," through the influence of those arround us, Our parents, Our friends and teachers . As we grow we pick up little traits from other people, and we take them on board. This is our ego personality building, the personality that becomes us. This personality is built in this lifetime and passes away when we die. So the question has to be, What is it then, that can be said, has been reborn? Some Religous traditions hold on to the idea, that a soul or spirit has been reborn. However Buddhist teachings on this subject are quite different, as they deny the existence of a spirit or soul. The Buddhist view is that, Thought is an infinitely continuous cycle, and their reasoning behind this view, is that a thought cannot sponaneously exist. A thought can only precede a former thought. (Think about it.) As the human body is impermenant, So the conscious mind at the time of death will need to continue via a new vehicle, ie a new body. It is said that our karma is what pushes us toward our new existence. If good, a more favourable rebirth, and if bad, the opposite applies. But when we are reborn, our old personality traits are left behind, in the memorys of our former loved ones, and a fresh template is born to become the new you. This is what I believe the wise monk meant when he said "milk and cheese." It is also said, that although we have no memory of our former lives, they have in fact, left karmic imprints on our subconcious minds. What actually convinces me is the great knowledge the great tibetan sages, have on the subject of reincarnation. When they speak or write on the subject, reincarnation is presented as absolute truth and not a theory. Their vast knowledge of the stages one passes through, between death and rebirth is far too great, to be ignored. http://reluctant- messenger.com/tibetan-book-of-the-dead.htm (Please follow this link and read.) I also find it too dificult to disregard the teachings of those who have the ability to find reincarnated lamas and monks. Nor those who build their whole lives on the foundation of truth. With Metta Garry D.
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