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frostidew's Journal
Jun 2007
12:34 PM EDT
Seven Deadly Sins- 1
Avarice or Greed
Definition-Excivive Desire
Do you know anyone with greed?
Are you that person?
Do you want more and more and EVEN MORE?
Do you share what you have?
Do you know anyone like this?
You can never have enough in that wallet of your's. Can you?
Do you really need all of it?
I mean really that money is just paper andthings will perish! It has no REAL value when your dead and gone.
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Jun 2007
12:17 PM EDT
A Teenage Girl was praying to God One Night. Though she didn't know it he was standing right behind her answering her questions......
"Thank you lord for my health and my food.
Thank you for what you've done for me.
You bled and you felt pain all for me, Lord, all for EVERYONE.
Sometimes I feel depressed and down in the dumps.
Sometimes I feel sad.
Sometimes I worry and fear!
I know I didn't have to say that because you know everything about me.
You know the number of every hair on my head!
You're just so amazing that sometimes I forget.
I see that you can give so much and take it away if you feel the need.
I admit, sometimes I get wavered and tempted by the devil to turn away from you, to stop believing in you or change my religion, but I won't, because I must be the only person who notices. That in most proverty stricken countries, They are of a different faith, a false faith.
People who used to be the strongest of christians truned away from you. Why, Lord? I think I have the answer: That people feel so weak or down and they are in a hard part of life at that time, they don't see why you did it to them. Am I right? Correct me if I am, Lord." As she prayed this he answered her unknowingly "You are correct my child."
"I know that you don't expect much from us, mere humans. The only thing you want from us is for us to love you and each other, then all other sin will fall away." He thought again "You are not just MERE humans you were created in my father's likness, in MY likness. This all I want from you, you're right."
"You call some people to become missionaries. So why do some get Killed? I don't know the straight answer of course. But I believe that no one 'dies young' as they say. I think that once they do what their put here to do, you take them away from Earth until you come again to restore peace"
"I'm confused and some say I've been through a lot, but Lord I try as hard as I can to do the right thing but sometimes it doesn't work that way with me. I promise I try! I worry even though people don't see it! So please guid me into your light." " Just remember, to lay down your worries at my feet. I want them. I know it may be hard to do so, but once you've laid them at my feet you'll feel better. Even if your worries come true just know if you keep believing and following that you'll be with me someday"
"Lord, Please forgive me of my sins that I have done and will do in the past"
"Lord, Please guide the lost, unbeliving, even semi-believing to you!!! Show them you love them!!" "I do show my love through everyday they breathe.I want you to follow me willingly. I will not force myself upon you. You will see your mistake after I come again. I also have people to help understand my word. They are like angels in disguise. They are the missionaries"
"Lord, I know that you're very busy, and I understand if you didn't get my prayer, but Lord just know that I love you! Amen" "Amen"
The Lord knows WHO you are, what you think, what you do, and what you say. He hears your prayers. If he doesn't answer them it doesn't mean he hates you because he NEVER STOPS loving you.
Remember: God does not give you tests that he knows you can't pass. (Just know if your reading this you've passed many ones and even one of the biggest: growing up.) You wouldn't be here without him.
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Jun 2007
9:27 AM EDT
Poem- Little Name Unknown
You don't know my name
You don't where I am
I'm scared and I'm hurting
There is blood on my clothes
There is blood on his hands
I remember the night I was stole from my bed
Three men came in
And I thought I was dead
One pulled a gun and told me to move
To shut up
And if I made a sound he would shoot
Mama didn't know I was gone until morning
Is she still looking?
Are YOU still searching
They think I'm dead but I don't understand why
If they would just look for the clues I left behind!
I'm violated and raped
And then I am beaten
You still don't care
I'm just another missing
You sit in warm houses while I'm left here to suffer
What if I was your son or your daugther?
Would you be worried
Would the rules change at all
you want to find the
dead and the gone
but im still here
alive and alone!
you see I'm giving up on weather you'll find me
Ill just lie here now and pertend i am safe
but really im in a whole other place
i cry softly
the pain is getting worse
I won't die yet
But I will die lost.......
Because I'm just another name unknown....
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Female, 32
USA - Georgia
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Reading, Writing, history, animals, yoga, meditation, religion, music
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Rock mostly- Evanescence, Skillet,
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Bible, Anything by Tamora Pierce