fantasyrose16's Journal

May 2008
7:08 AM MST

Its beenso long! Like seriously! Wow. Oh well I am back again. Alot has changed these past few months. Sam and I broke up for good. He has a new gf now. I must admit I am a little jealous. But hey what ever happens happens for a reason. And I will tell you now I know the reason: I am engaged! Yes engaged! I am so happy and the guy I am to marry is amazing! His name is Cody Hughes. So I am now Heidi Hughes. Call me Heidi Ziegler and I will be very mad. Lol. So ya he lives in Texas and I cant wait to see him. We met online and we plan to meet for the first time in August. I cant wait! Well�I am off more later.

Feb 2008
5:17 AM ACST

omg... such a long week...... but it all went... well.... ron said no..... but thats ok.... cuz i think i know who my true love really is....... and that is Sameer...... yes he lives in canada..... and he isnt perfect.... but thats ok cuz i am not either..... and who cares that he lives in canada....... just cuz i dont get to see him every day doesnt matter..... i get to talk to him....... and i know he cares..... more later....

Feb 2008
6:15 AM EDT

its sunday.......... all i have to say is dammit.... i dont want to go back to school........ shcool is for losers!!!!! oh well at least it gets me one day closer to getting my g.e.d....... then i am outta there!!!!! WOO HOO......... lol............ then i can start my education on child care services................ yay............ so frikin excited............... (actaully i am.... really.....) so ya....... is it wrong of me to still like that other guy even tho sam and i are back together????? dont get me wrong...... i love sam... i really do......... but i still think that i still like ron...... oh well...... sam if read this i really do love you and i am not going to leave for him and if i do you can shoot me ok........ lots of love...... lol

Feb 2008
5:57 PM GMT

ugh... that is all i have to say about today.......... ugh..... i quit my job....... my head hurts.... ya thats pretty much all i need to say.... one good thing tho....... sam and i are back together...... WOO HOO.... joy to the world..... lol....

fantasyrose16's Profile

  • Username: fantasyrose16
  • Gender / Age: Female, 34
  • Location: USA - Colorado
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