exarden's Journal

Nov 2007
6:59 AM EST

Job feelings

Job going well not sure of status.

Worried about job.

Worried about bills.

Have to get the house cleaned up.

Tags: puzzled

Nov 2007
1:29 PM EST

New job, lots of rules

Okay, now we have color!
New job is good, maybe great. We were told not mention the place on blogs, myspace, etc. People from the company look for negative stuff. Not allowed to say anything negative in public, can get fired if it gets back.
Same feelings, some people are too bossy. Too many know it alls.
Need some sleep. Hope Thanksgiving goes smoothly.

Tags: Cautious

Nov 2007
7:22 AM EST

Have doubts and need money.

Okay, did not hear from the Borgata. Need money. WishKen would call. Cool but nice outside.
Having trouble with orderding from Kohls.
Haven't heard from my mom.
Sign goes on house and it goes in MLS next week.

Tags: concerned

Nov 2007
7:31 AM EST

Job situation is weird

Haven't heard from Ken yet. Do I start on the 12th or the 19th. This is not good. Will call at 3:00.
Need social security card.
Can't go until Monday.

Nov 2007
1:25 PM EST

Up in the air

Well, I was supposed to start Monday, but it is being bumped to the 19th.
Not happy.

Nov 2007
6:12 AM EST

Have job, listed house

I got the job, listed the house. But thanks to some over drafts have no money until the 24th. This is bad. I should have a pay check on the 30th.
The realtor is very nice.
Tags: Job

Nov 2007
6:52 AM EST

Concerned, no energy

I am concerned about what my references might say and what Boscov's will say. Gee I hope they don't call.
Listing the house tonight.
Tags: concerned

Nov 2007
6:55 AM EST

Have job

Have job, need to get references cleared.
Am thinking, and praying posistively. Am really trying to be posistive.
Voting day.
Stan is coming over to fix plumbing.
Okay, this is better.
I am not moving now. This will be great.
Tags: Job

Nov 2007
6:49 AM EST



I am trying to keep journals to see if they help me stay on track with my job search, cleaning my house and losing weight.
This is relatively new to me.
I am trying to clean up my house so I can move to California. I need to sell the house first. My big priority is getting a job right now.
Am having trouble using journal entry sent to email address.� I will try again.
Tags: intro

exarden's Profile

  • Username: exarden
  • Gender / Age: Female, 72
  • Location: USA - New Jersey