ericburton's Journal

May 2010
6:52 AM PKT

Issues That Can Destroy the Creativity of a Graphic Designer!

A creative graphic designer needs to face many situations as sometimes they come across so many times when their art and creative juices stop flowing. At this time, most of the logo designers try really hard for the creation of a business image but they got failed to convince their clients with their creative concept because they are unable to conceive a great idea for their logo design projects. Undoubtedly, there will be some reason behind this sudden change and this sudden unexpected lack of creativity. A single interruption or a slight distraction can stop a professional logo designer to think innovatively.
All in all, there is only a single attribute that is the “Creativity” of a logo designer which can, no doubt, make a great difference for businesses. Since, it is the duty of a logo designer to create such a masterpiece for a client’s business that looks different and unique from other business logos but due to some negative factors, a logo designer fails to create a logo design with an artistic concept. Therefore, you, being a logo designer, should understand these factors beforehand so that you can save yourself with these issues and stay beware of them.
1.����� Lack of Confidence: Undoubtedly, a graphic designer’s biggest creativity killer is a lack of confidence. While you cannot think openly and artistically when you find lack of confidence in your personality. This self-worth dampens stops your creativity and increase the fear of failure in creation of logo design projects. Until unless you don’t have self-confidence in your creativity and ideas then work will be created useless. So make yourself confident and keep your composure strong so that your ideas will be successful for businesses.
2.����� Fear of Criticism: To face client’s criticism should be a normal thing for every logo designer but sometimes, you will come across with the harsh words by your client that might make you upset and sad. Too often, most of the logo designers take these bad comments and criticism to their hearts which is resulted in bad creativity but sometimes, clients do not able to understand the true creativity of a designer. However, you as a corporate logo designer, create artistic and conceptual business logos that can convey a right message of a business.
3.����� Lack of Funds: Most of the professional logo designers unable to execute their ideas because of unstable finance because it is, no doubt, a big factor that can ruin the graphic designer’s creativity and artistic ideas; plus he will not able to think productively. Even though, to come up with an idea that can be created with low budget is not an easy time every time as mostly clients appoint a logo designer with a fixed budget for their custom logo design.
4.����� Tough Goals: Undoubtedly, tight deadlines and tough assignments can surely destroy the logo designer’s creativity because these things and stress can kill the creativity and creative thought process. If a business logo designer has lots of custom logo design projects on his head and he has to deliver it in a strict deadline then he will not think creatively outside of the box. It is the only reason why professional logo designers avoid such clients and their unfeasible deadlines.

ericburton's Profile

  • Username: ericburton
  • Gender / Age: Male, 42
  • Location: USA - California