emma's Journal

Nov 2006
5:58 AM EDT

so...i had a very busy vacation. tuesday i spent the night at my friends house and her dad made us teqila (sp?) sunrise's, and we got drunk and rolled down their back yard. then on thursday i went over to my aunts house to cook the turkey for thanksgiving dinner. i saw flushed away and happy feet (which is fantastic!) and i went shopping saturday. on friday my boyfriend came over and my mom drove us to the movies to see Deja Vu which was okay. it was a little confusing though. we then took my BF home and i got a new kitten. it's 10 weeks old and her name is Zoe. she is the cutest thing i've ever seen. she likes to sleep on my head at night :-) on monday, i called my BF after school and he sounded tired. i asked him what was wrong and he said he didn't feel good cause he'd sprained his ankle playing basketball in gym but he would call me later. i called him a pussy cause it's just a sprain and hung up. at 9:15 he called me back and told me he'd gone to the hospital and gotten an x-ray and they told him he'd broken his ankle in 2 places. then i felt bad about calling him a pussy. he also has this thing called "Turf's toe" w/e the fuck that is. anyway, love ya gotta go. my BF also gave me a promise ring which i am wearing right now.
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emma's Profile

  • Username: emma
  • Gender / Age: Female, 33
  • Location: USA - Kansas