dramaqueen's Journal

Apr 2008
9:55 PM EDT

Life´s no fairytale

today on my way home from dinner with my family.. as i sat in the back seat of my car... i was thinking about all my problems.. i could almost hear the background music they put in movies when the girl fights with the guy and they both look out the window at the rain.... so i started thinking... and none of that is true... so many lives end everyday without a happy ending... the stories in popular romantic songs are not true...life is just not like that... ever since i was little movies like cindirella and other disney productions have had me thinking that no matter what happens love always finds a way... and that it is so full of great surprises.. well at least the last part is true. except that the surprises are not always good ones... actually they are almost always terrible... and prince charming is dead... and chivalry died with him.. men in our generation expect to get a maid when they start a relationship.. at the beginning they can�t get enough of you... the little by little they start to show the real side of them... and let me tell you its not pretty.. my boyfriend and i (yes we�re still together) are gonna be 5 years old as acouple.. in may... and now.. i know men are jerks.... and most of the reason that life is not�a fairy tale is because of them.. all girls expect to find a prince waiting for them.. and all the guy needs to do is make that simple wish come true.. is it too much to ask for a guy to open the door for us... to hug us and give us their jacket when we�re cold... to kiss our pains gently away.. i think not... and its hard enough trying to keep the flame alive while the guy is being a total jerk sitting infront of the tv. watching football� withough them treating us so bad.... i for one. plan not to cry for a guy ever againn.. imagine.. if he treats me bad NOW... imagine if we got MARRIED!!!�


Tags: life
1 comment(s) - 06:35 PM - 04/21/2008

dramaqueen's Profile

  • Username: dramaqueen
  • Gender / Age: Female, 36
  • Location: USA - Virginia
    DRAMAQUEEN's Interests:

    About Me: i'm 18 and well, i love art, i like to write, i play the piano, i'm a seventh day adventist.

    Interests: CHOCOLATE!!! ...i'm not too good at sports but i love to cheer. i like to read, cook,and have fun.

    Favorite Music: romantic

    Favorite Movies:  'MySpace LayoutsMySpace LayoutsMySpace CodesMySpace Backgrounds

    Favorite Television: America´s Next Top Model

    Favorite Books: harry potter