divyanshikulkarni's Journal

Apr 2024
11:33 PM IST


The data is growing by leaps and bounds. This has put businesses under pressure to make sense of this ever-volumizing pool to make big business decisions guiding them to growth. This is where it becomes inevitable to comprehend the finer nuances of the industry and how one can leverage the skills in beginning a successful data science career.

Becoming a data scientist brings with it a massive opportunity to yield big benefits in the future career wise. Among the popular ones, the most trusted and less time-consuming option is always a credible data science certification program that is loaded with skills and strategies to guide your career.

Recent statistics reveal Data science professionals are in great demand nowadays. If you aspire to become a data scientist in 2024, it is deemed a profitable move for the future. The data science industry is expected to yield a surge of 50% in demand across sectors for qualified data science professionals (Medium). Adding to this, another score from the World Data Science Initiative record states that around 80% of firms are focused on building robust in-house data practices. This makes the future projections even more exciting and rewarding.

This makes mastering the parameters that bring out the core differentiators between data science and AI of utmost importance. This is sure to pave the way to a greater data science career trajectory that leads you and the business landscape to greater success. Pivot into the most beneficial career move today!

divyanshikulkarni's Profile

  • Username: divyanshikulkarni
  • Gender / Age: Female, 23
  • Location: India