dee23's Journal

Apr 2007
12:21 PM GMT

no news on the car front today but it's beeing polished and cleaned inside and out so i doubt if it will be long before it's sold and a new car takes it's place on the drive .my son now has a home tutor to do his school work so at least his not missing out on his work he wont be back to school for another 7 weeks at least .if i hear the words i'm board one more time i think i may just crack up i know its not his fault but theres only so many times you can put up with the i'm board line we have played games read books done home work all sorts but still he's board never mind i will just have to take a deep breath and count to 10 or even 100 .
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dee23's Profile

  • Username: dee23
  • Gender / Age: Female, 54
  • Location: United Kingdom
    DEE23's Interests:

    About Me: hi i'm 35 have a partner of 9 years and a son 13 we have 1 cat cassie 1 dog tessa these are her pups at 5 weeks old

    Interests: all sorts going out having a laugh with mates walking the dog or should i say her walking me

    Favorite Music: rock

    Favorite Movies: green mile monsters ink farmyard matilda

    Favorite Books: bad mothers handbook . remeber me .

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