dali87's Journal

Oct 2012
12:01 AM EDT

So yesterday my fiancee and me got into an argument over cleaning. He basically said i'm not wife material because I don't clean and I procrastinate and I complain way too much. I do all the cleaning and he doesn't help at all. He thinks because he works more hours than I do that he doesn't have to pick up after himself and he doesn't do any cleaning around the house. Meanwhile I do the best I can with the cleaning but I am also looking for another job and he is acting like I don't do a damn thing just watch tv all damn day. I am seriously thinking about calling off this engagement and giving him back the engagement ring since I am not wife material and then go from there. Either way this plays out I am going to get hurt. I'm hurting right now with what he said. I've been crying for two days straight and I just don't know what to do.
1 comment(s) - 01:32 AM - 11/18/2015

Mar 2012
4:22 PM CDT

Ugh freaking pissed off. My fiancee just woke up from his nap and he's like I'm in pain. So of course he is in a freakin pissed off� mood. It is still no reason to be taking it out on me. Every single day there is a problem, either its my fiancee or my parents. I just want it to stop. Oh i finally got a job and its like its still not good enough for either sides. With my fiancee, doesn't work with his schedule (whatever that is) and my parents now want money from me. As of the moment, I owe my parents 165.00 for my car because my dad had it fixed at the dealer even though all i wanted fixed was just the stuff under the warranty. I hope I get more clients so I can make more money and become more independent and not depend on anyone including my fiancee. I am fucken pissed and they can't understand why. It's like its because you come at me every single day and I'm sick of it so I'm attacking back.
1 comment(s) - 11:53 PM - 04/06/2012

Jan 2012
10:56 AM CDT

Kind of in a pissed off mood. Walking on egg shells around my boyfriend/fiancee because I don't want to fight or argue. Yesterday I went to pick up his daughter which is a two hour drive all by myself because he had just gotten off of work and he said he was really exhausted. Didn't get a thank you or a hug,nothing! Then I went grocery shopping with my father with my stepdaughter because I didn't have enough money to buy two weeks of groceries. Then my other half started calling me around 6pm to find out where we were and I was like were food shopping and he was like well hurry up I wanna see my kid. I'm trying to be tough and I just wanna cry.

Nov 2011
12:09 PM CDT

Having� a bad day today. I can't seem to land a job. Just had a fight with my boyfriend and he's threatening to kick me out if i don't get a job soon.

Nov 2011
10:35 PM

Trying to work on my resume is much harder than i thought. Need to get a job before my boyfriend kicks me out. Kind of stressing out because if I get kicked out I would have no where else to go. My boyfriend keeps bitching at me about money and the housecleaning but meanwhile he doesn't help clean. His excuse I work, you don't!

Oct 2011
5:44 PM CDT

so sick

I am so sick of everyones fucken attitude especially towards me. Its either my fiancee or my parents. Always bitching at me about either the house or how they don't have money. I really wanna yell at them to shut the fuck up. Its almost an everyday occurance that I get into an argument with my fiancee or my parents. Its like a damn rollercoaster of emotions and I want off this ride.
1 comment(s) - 08:45 PM - 11/02/2011

dali87's Profile

  • Username: dali87
  • Gender / Age: Female, 38
  • Location: USA - Florida