cyrusedwin's Journal

Jul 2015
1:24 AM IST

Restore your Natural Smile like Never Before

Are you tired with the chewing issues that you might be facing due to loss of upper teeth and use of removable dentures? Well, considering MDI is the best solution that gives you results in no time. A promising dental procedure is ensured at BFC Dental so do not give a second thought.

Like many other patients who have found BFC Dental as their ideal solution to all their dental problems, you can also pave a way for your specific dental problem.

As described in the video, a 65 year old patient was facing problems with his upper denture, which was irritating him each time he used to chew food. Also, the too big size of his dentures did not allow him to taste anything. MDI added 6 mini dental implants along with attachments, and made new dentures. This resulted him with a new and dazzling smile with increased stability of dentures, enhanced eating efficiency and restored confidence. �

So, what is making you delay your dental issues for so long? You may also get new teeth implants within a matter of hours and get back to your routine life with a few dental check-ups.

Dec 2015
5:54 AM IST

CPR: A Must Learn Practice for Emergency Situations

Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation or CPR is basically a mouth-to-mouth respiration and chest compression technique. It is a first-aid method which is performed to provide immediate aid to a person by circulating the oxygenated blood to his organs like the heart and brain in case of an emergency situation. Though, CPR is strongly recommended as a life-saving measure, you need a proper training to perform this method.

There are various risks associated with CPR training such as damage to the liver or heart, rib facture, puncture of lungs or large blood vessels and more. To avoid such risks, you need a proper training that too under the direction of a qualified instructor. Not only health care professionals, but the general public should also learn CPR for use in any emergency situations.


Nowadays, there are a number of training centers and online courses that provide training and skills sessions for learning CPR method along with using different types of ancillary devices for CPR. On a successful completion of these training sessions, you’ll get CPR Certification, which is a proof that you have acquired proper training in CPR and know how to do it properly."

cyrusedwin's Profile

  • Username: cyrusedwin
  • Gender / Age: Male, 37
  • Location: USA - New York