Cyclone fan

Aug 2009
5:15 PM CDT


It feels good to know when we are committed to something. Its knowing that we did something once for ourselves. The fact is that we did it. Today even though I was tired after work, I went to my YMCA. I was committed to it and felt strong. More power to us all!

cyclonefan's Profile

  • Username: cyclonefan
  • Gender / Age: Female, 52
  • Location: USA - Iowa
    CYCLONEFAN's Interests:

    About Me: Own my own bussniess. Have 3 jobs: Working at a grocery store Dahl's bagging groceries. Work at YMCA. Work as a fitness attendent in the Fittness Center. One other job is cerical work. Such as copies and making out folders. Entery names in datebase on the computer.

    Interests: Excercise, especailly at YMCA. Enjoy running and walking. Its fun doing music. Owning a personal bussniess doing public speaking. Its fun just being activie in the community. Its fun doing research on many different projects. Name a few. Learning Langauge and healthy lifestyles.

    Favorite Music: Beatles,U2, Hillary Duff, Aerosmith,Kiss, The Other Sister. David Haack Band. And self-advocacy music.

    Favorite Movies: Supper Man, Spider Man, The Other Sister. Mama Mia, Titanic, Highschool Musical. Sherk, Parent Trap. Movies based on by true stories.

    Favorite Television: ER, Law and Order, Tuched By An Angel, Punky Brewster. Regualar comodey.

    Favorite Books: Mysteries, bio's of famous peoeple. Lewis and Clark Experdiation. Poems.