Cyclone fan

Nov 2010
6:57 PM CDT

Working together

It takes time and pacients when it comes to writing and not get frusterated. Lets all try making it all count.

cyclonefan's Profile

  • Username: cyclonefan
  • Gender / Age: Female, 52
  • Location: USA - Iowa
    CYCLONEFAN's Interests:

    About Me: Own my own bussniess. Have 3 jobs: Working at a grocery store Dahl's bagging groceries. Work at YMCA. Work as a fitness attendent in the Fittness Center. One other job is cerical work. Such as copies and making out folders. Entery names in datebase on the computer.

    Interests: Excercise, especailly at YMCA. Enjoy running and walking. Its fun doing music. Owning a personal bussniess doing public speaking. Its fun just being activie in the community. Its fun doing research on many different projects. Name a few. Learning Langauge and healthy lifestyles.

    Favorite Music: Beatles,U2, Hillary Duff, Aerosmith,Kiss, The Other Sister. David Haack Band. And self-advocacy music.

    Favorite Movies: Supper Man, Spider Man, The Other Sister. Mama Mia, Titanic, Highschool Musical. Sherk, Parent Trap. Movies based on by true stories.

    Favorite Television: ER, Law and Order, Tuched By An Angel, Punky Brewster. Regualar comodey.

    Favorite Books: Mysteries, bio's of famous peoeple. Lewis and Clark Experdiation. Poems.