i did write the first half of this journal a few days ago but my stupid laptop decided that the second i tried to save it was the moment that it would lose connection with the internet.
so i saw basically saying that it was one of my best friends, nancy's party, and it was as fabulous as ever. it was in the evening at her house and the booze flowed non stop, the chocolate fondue lifted everyone spirits even higher and that night was a complete success. nancy, i cant wait for your next birthday, they so RULE!!!!!
but i also had another party this weekend, which was the usual celebration of a batmitzvah of one of my mums friends daughter, and it was the usual grand event. before we went i was complete dreading it as the girl who i normally sit next to and chat to was up in manchester for the weekend and may only be making it for the last half and hour, and there was no way that i want to be stuck with the batmitzvah girls brother and all his croonies. but for once i was in luck and spend the eventing sitting between 2 rather nice guys :) - oh yeh! one of them is the son of another of my mums friends, and i used to kinda have a crush on him, and the other guy was someone from the shul who i had never met but he was so cute. why the hell had none of my family ever mentioned him before???? i talked non stop, which may have been partly due to the bottle of wine that i downed, but i was so happy. my mum keeps going on about the guy that i met, i'll call him 's' and whether i fancy him, but i dont know. hes really nice and easy to talk to as a friend but i do kind of fancy him a bit... we'll have to wait and see if anything happens. at least i have an excuse to go to shul which i have only been inside a few times before as my brother has some important part in a ceremony in a few weeks. you'll find me in the front row...