just got back from sahiras house and it was a really fun day. eventhough nancy was also suppose to be there but nobody could get through to her, but it is sometimes nice to spend time with just one friend as this rarely happens.
i lept onto the train, half an hour late and still eyeing up the handsome guy that had been infront of me in the shop and was now on the opposite platform and spent the journey trying to ignore the chavy group of thirteen year old boys, especially the one who had laid across a whole row of seat like it was a sunbed. i hope someone pissed on the seat that he put his ugly mug onto.
we watched two films, the first being role models that i had been waiting forever to see and this was really good and it had 'mclovin' and 'stifler' in- jokes. they are the funniest! well some of the funniest :) then saw nacho libre which wasnt that good as i dont really like jack black- is that right i cant even remember his name, as he seem to play the exact same charcter in every single film! and i seem to be the only person who doesnt find his terrible phyique funny.
i am now lying on my bed trying to find online a site where i can watch lethal weapon as i saw some of it on the tv when i came in but my parents are trying to bore themselves to death by currently watching casualty.