Welcome back!� I wish I felt better, but really, I don't.� So lets just get into it straight away shall we?
9:30 - Immediate start on LDAP troubleshooting.� How long have we been doing this?
I have windows up into mandrake, goblin, atlas, poseidon, dionysus, eros, demeter, and hestia.� We're cranking logging up to the tits and getting ready to sniff all traffic as we blast users through.�
It looks like the LDAP server isn't returning the request properly.
Bridge line is open. 09:45
%%%% Telstar rebuild is on hold.
%%% Red Hat 5.2 image is DONE!
1:55 - The ldap testing is finished and Hoops is going to analyze the data.
- Took my bicycle out for a spin to Fry's at lunch.� Picked up a few things I wanted (salad, soup, and some soda) and rode back.� Took about 45 minutes round trip, then a shower afterward.
- Starting on the Telstar satellite replacement now.� Will probably be on this the rest of the day.