Little Plastic Castle

Jun 2008
1:36 PM PDT

Wednesday 6/11

8am - becky gives me a list of servers that need 3 portal admin accounts added (LM Boxes)� Becky is out of the office a while.

8:13 - Hooper sends email about LDAP cutover for portal D2.� Bunch of visios and other docs.�

9am - Becky gives me a startup/shutdown script from PAN to use through the environment for WAS startup/shutdown.� On desktop.� Look at this later.

10:30 - Get CPU info for Ash regarding BTI ESX hosts by Friday.� Wants physical server CPU info.

11:30 - Portal LDAP changes in prod on Thursday will need CC ticket open.� Must do this prior to change.

3pm - Send email to Matt T. that petrel will need more ram.� Monitor is firing off errors every few days that it's coming up on threshold regularly. (97%).� I get OK to jack ram to 1.5GB

3:30 send generic account requests off to Norm for rsync and WAS admin users.� He will probably send them to our security account person

3:45 Curious gives OK that he'll take the WH/UW stuff I mailed him yesterday.

- Donna sends word that IWS was success.� Good news.

Start futzing with tickets to get SAN added to minotaur and pine for Pooh bear.�

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coraline's Profile

  • Username: coraline
  • Gender / Age: Female, 54
  • Location: USA - Arizona
    CORALINE's Interests:

    About Me: Little Plastic Castle is an extension of This Child's Life which is not hosted at inboxjournal. This blog will make little sense to anyone other than myself. It's a stream of consciousness log of what I do on a daily basis in my job as a UNIX computer systems engineer. o/~ "They say goldfish have no memory, I guess their lives are much like the little plastic castle is a surprise every time, and its hard to say if they're happy, but they don't seem much to mind." o/~ I endeavor to respect confidentiality and thus I use nicknames for the people I work with. (Mr. T, Ratface, Jerry, Cartman, Grandpa Simpson, Slick, and so on.) I drop system names in here and abbreviations, but any note that requires something like a FQDN will always be marked private. You can comment if you like, but I'll only respond if I feel like it.

    Interests: Cast of Characters: Just a few of the names I use for people, this is the nickname and what their job responsibility is. Mr. T - My Direct Manager (Engineering) Slick - ESX Specialist Cartman - Network Engineering Lead Grandpa Simpson - Network Engineer Becky - WebSphere Engineer Ratface - Developer/Architect Jerry - Project Manager (BTI) Matt T. - Project Manager (Blackbird) The Martian - Application Developer AVP Ice Queen - Engineering AVP Chez - Assistant to Ice Queen Watts - Engineering/Development Sr. Mgr. Hoppy - I.T. Security LDAP Squirrelface - I.T. Security Accts Woodchuck - I.T. Security Accts Russian Bride - Application Tester Trisha - Testing AVP Tequila - UNIX Admin OPS Chops - UNIX Admin OPS Mac - UNIX Engineer (Contractor, works with Tequila & Chops) Margie - SAN specialist (ch)InkPen - Backup Specialist Chimpy - OPS Mgr Duke - UNIX Lead even though he knows nothing about UNIX