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clarkalston's Journal
Nov 2018
5:54 AM IST
Millennial Leadership Deficit is Bound to Hit Us ? How to Deal with It?
Lets walk around some facts:
Three Forth of the workforce by 2025 will be millennials
In the next 20 years 76 million Americans in the top management are slated to retire
The replacement force of young personnel is just 46 million
It is simple math that companies are moving towards a huge shortage of human resources in the leadership area. Succession planning is nothing like recruiting the frontlines or even mid-level managers. Leadership is about strategy, delegation, a far sighted approach towards sustainability and most importantly inspirational if not charismatic. Leaders help their team to grow as they achieve new heights. Yes, winning should be a habit while you sit on the Mount Olympus of the corporate and millennials are tuned to winning. They were prodigies and now the go getters, the people who think and ideate. But, lets face it, millennials best bloom when left to individualistic roles.
Millennials have their reason behind lacking the excitement and thrill of Generation X or Baby Boomers. Interpersonal skills are rough at the edges for most of the young workforce. The old learning and development tools fall flat on their face, when it comes to engaging these millennials. Companies need to revamp their succession planning. And they need to do it now. There is a gap in the technologies available and implemented while training young professionals for higher roles. Old training brochures and modules applied now makes a little sense. Disjointed and once-in-a-while sessions do need to see the door.
If companies need to go future forward, they need to plan ahead to engage millennials to make the best leaders out of them. The entire issue at hand is researched and analyzed in Sustaining Future Growth with Millennial Leaders - Whitepaper.
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