cio's Journal

Dec 2006
6:11 PM HNE

hi im cio i been doing nothing in my make tell im still doing my fast downing myself i not talented im not smarts no future to come any surround my life like close to meh make so downing thats i was 12 to 18 i have lots or fast so sorrow and a little bit of happy jealouse to my cousing cus for meh she perfect she talented and smart kind and most beautyfull person she responsibilty,she got a boyfrend,she got lots frends some one said to meh people kind give a especial gift not people bad person no reason to be happy i feel been having a god giving hard time to meh kind im not suppost be badly keeping badly in my heart why people like that so well to meh i never think just god make test every thing to make brave or test meh if im good i been downing myself and selfish to every one close to meh cus i never feel that my mom or aunt and uncle,cousin that they love maybe i the one blame them whats wrong with meh there is time that they true not only meh i been really have no piece my heart and downing my self ,selfish to every one i dont kneo how ganna start myself cus every thing have chance to my dream make myself scape i have dream i wanna dream come true but first i dont knoe when im going to start cus my dream. make my big family wrong experesion that is i have lots more to put in here just let meh knoe if wanna knoe about my life is sad story and angry

cio's Profile

  • Username: cio
  • Gender / Age: Female, 38
  • Location: USA - California