chelseasmith36's Journal

Sep 2009
6:29 AM CST

So Kinsey wanted to sit in the middle of the backseat of our Lexus RX- black car. She was excited to sit next to Channing who was on the far left near the window. Zach is iniatially upset but finds a way to make his position more appealing. He says well Channing and I are next to windows and we can look out! Kinsey gets upset now because she is questioning her choice now, to calm her down, Daddy said that he is going to lock the windows. Zach then quickly thinks of another pro, well Channing and I are sitting behind someone, you are not. Cold but very creative, who would of thought of that....???

Feb 2009
6:44 AM CST

"I need you." Kinsey moaned and I felt her. I know what she means!! I remember waiting for my mom to get home from work. Crying because it was taking so long. My mom was a great childhood mom. And then Zachary's unprompted , I love you's never ever get old. And then on special occasions I get , Mommy, I really like you!

Feb 2008
8:49 AM CST

i know it has been awhile, but I was out on maternity leave. I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl, Channing Jewel is what we are calling her. Zachary you love your new little sister and so do you Kinsey, even though you scratch and poke her eyes from time to time....Channing you are a jewel, very mellow, and and very easy baby!

Jan 2007
1:23 AM CST

Daddy: Zachary lets read a book! Zachary: I have been reading all day! I am not making that up! Hilarious we could not stop laughing as you we were trying to get you to go to bed. You did not want to go to bed. Daddy finally told you that you were able to take a truck up and that seemed to suffice even though you reluctantly were going up. I asked you for a kiss good night and you told daddy, look I am giving mommy a kiss as tot say don't trip and you said it loud! Hilarious!!! New Years was fine with MaMa. We watched the Family Stone. Kinsey, you went to bed around 8 pm and Zachary you finally went to sleep at 11 pm. It was an uneventful New years but nevertheless I was happy that I have children, my husband and my mom to start the new year off with.... I feel blessed!

chelseasmith36's Profile

  • Username: chelseasmith36
  • Gender / Age: Female, 55
  • Location: USA - Illinois