cello1975's Journal

Apr 2007
5:33 PM EST

I know its not good...and I said I wasnt going to drink anymore.. But..
Everything with the wedding is stressing me out. My hair is falling out.. My Father is showing his selfish, baby pain in the ass side again..I have a million people to pay BEFORE the wedding and I still have my monthly bills to pay.
Lets not forget.. the beautiful amber glow of the check engine light in my car! haha...Sometimes ya gotta laugh I guess.
Things could ALWAYS be worse!
I'm sure there are people all over the world wishing they had it as bad as I do right know
I'm completely aware of that.. I'm just venting.. Venting online so that I don't say something I'll regret to folks I actually have to interact with daily.
I'm off to have a few of those little bottles of white zinfandel that are left over from my sisters wedding!

cello1975's Profile

  • Username: cello1975
  • Gender / Age: Female, 50
  • Location: USA - New York
    CELLO1975's Interests:

    About Me: Very simple and laid back

    Interests: Powwow, beading, dancing..right now.. resting and sleeping

    Favorite Music: Everything.. Except for extremes.. No hard core rap or hard core county

    Favorite Movies: I have way too many

    Favorite Television: Greys Anatomy

    Favorite Books: I don't have a favorite.. I need to read more!