No cases in san diego today, so no work for me. Crappy. 12 days and counting....
I decided to not buy a new pack of smokes. i had 3 left in my pack today. I smoked them and I can say that i didnt particularily like em. I had to stop by the 99 cent only store to buy a bag of DumDums.. i figure it'll help with the oral fixation kinda when i'm driving. It seemed to work before.... so why not try it again. i'm crazy to just quit cold turkey, but i figure if its all psychological i should be ok.. we'll see..I need to clean out my car- rid the back of all the ashes. spray some fabreze on the upholstery and be good to go. Drives are really going to suck for the first week or 2, i remember. but thats why i bought the dumdums... i so smart.