butterfly05's Journal

Oct 2006
7:10 AM EDT

ok, im a screw up, i allready knew that, all my life, ide been nothing but a screw up, im used to it, ive accepted the fact that i cant do n e thing right and that everything i touch turns to shit, but y cant i atleast make the man i love happy? whats so hard about that?i tried everything, i dont know what else to do, if i try any harder, my life would be pointless. wait a sec. it all ready is, im a freaking stripper, as if the world really needs me, my parents hate me, they just use me for money, they would actually be more concerned about the insurance money they get than how i died if i did infact die, i have no real friends, all my so called "friends" just want to get in my pants, and the one man that does care, i cant even make happy, except with sex, so i give it to him as much as i can, but outside the sex, i even piss him off when i clean...what the hell is wrong wit me!!!! what ever! i have to go to work, maybe if im lucky, the taxi i take turns out to be some araibian suicide bomber. ill just go to work, get drunk, and picture george washingtons head on all these old pervs. btw sorry bout the spelling, im kinda fudged up/
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butterfly05's Profile

  • Username: butterfly05
  • Gender / Age: Female, 38
  • Location: USA
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    BUTTERFLY05's Interests:

    About Me: My life is complicated, never a dull moment, i've been through more than most people do in a life time, and im only 19. but im a stronger person cause of it.

    Favorite Music: i like pretty much everything except good charlot and tejano music

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