butterfly05's Journal

Sep 2006
10:08 PM EDT

well, it has been a few days and what can i say, same shit, different day. today wasnt so bad, but my boyfriend really upset me earlyer, im a clean freak, and i love to clean, it is just something i enjoy, and when i moved in here his place was a disaster!! so i cleaned it from head to toe, and i try hard to keep it clean, and he blew up at me today... get this... because im always cleaning!!!! OMG! 1ST OF ALL, ONE OF THE REASONS WHY I ENJOY IT IS CAUSE I FEEL LIKE IM DOING SOMETHING NICE FOR HIM... OH, ILL BE BACK, HE'S COMMING, ILL FINISH LATER.
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butterfly05's Profile

  • Username: butterfly05
  • Gender / Age: Female, 38
  • Location: USA
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    BUTTERFLY05's Interests:

    About Me: My life is complicated, never a dull moment, i've been through more than most people do in a life time, and im only 19. but im a stronger person cause of it.

    Favorite Music: i like pretty much everything except good charlot and tejano music

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