I really thought she was my friend though. Wasn't she? IS she?
Out of all people why is it always her that disappoints me the most. Maybe because i trust her so much, maybe because i count on her.... maybe cause i treated her like a friend to see that she doesn't see me the same way.
I know i don't have a lot of friends, but�enough.
�At least 4 i could have a heart- to-heart with.
5 That i could count on all the way
7�that i actually believe are real friends.
1 that counted in all three catergories and even more. she was everything you needed to survive school with. Because being with her:
you'd never feel left out
you'd never feel looked down on
you'd never be afraid of being afraid
you didn't need brand clothing
you didn't need to listen to pretend you hated learning
you'd smile every single day.
I know... sounds too good to be true... and maybe.. now it is.
and that one friend. she was like my very own sister i never had. We were practically twins... we were born on the same day. She's a couple�hours older than me, but i feel so completely far away from her.
Now that i don't have her.
I'm all alone. I lost my sister.