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bhoyle89's Journal
Jul 2007
4:31 AM CST
Yesterday was my 18th dirthday. I got to meet my biological father for the first time in 14 years and it was amazing. He is a really cool guy. All of my closest family members were there. My mom, my stepdad, my bilogical father, my stepmom, grandmother, great uncle, my sister, fiance, and a few of my friends. I got a lot of good stuff for my birthday. I got some money and a stereo. I also got a new TV and a gift card to my favorite restraunt. After everyone left my fiance took my grandmother and I out to eat akt Texas Roadhouse for dinner. Later in the evening my fiance and I watched aome movies and ate some popcorn and just talked for a while about how the day went and about our future. Well thats about all for now I will probably type something else about my birthday or how today went. l8r
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Gender / Age:
Female, 36
USA - Louisiana
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BHOYLE89's Interests:
About Me:
Hello my name is Brittney. I am 19 years old and live in Texas with my extended family. I am a senior at the local high school. Sadly I am a smoker and I am trying to quit. I have met the love of my life, Steve. We are engaged to be married after I graduate. I have a little sister named Tiah and 3 cats, Sheba, Mydnyte, and Luna, I also have 2 mice, Lil' Bit and Snoflake. I am a proud Pagan/Wiccan and very much enjoy my practice. Well thats about it. If you have any questions or you want to know more about me feel free to ask. '
When I have time I like to read, listen to music, watch TV, be with my family and friends. I also like to write poetry and short stories. I like to play games on the computer and surf the web everyday.
Favorite Music:
I like to listen to basicly all types of music.
Favorite Movies:
Same as music I like basicly all types of movies.
Favorite Television:
I don't really watch TV very often, but when I can I like to watch CSI: Las Vegas, Creminal Minds, Sex and the City, Without a Trace, Forensic Files, Will & Grace, TAPS, and Prison Break.
Favorite Books:
I like to read all kinds of books mostly murder mystery. I also like to read supernatural, thriller, and many more. My favorite author is James Patterson.