baby146's Journal

May 2007
10:42 AM EDT


well today wasnt a good day at all. it all started when my boyfriendwalked into school and said " YOU BETTER HAVE THAT SWEATSHIRT I LET YOU BORROW AND YOU FORGOT TO GIVE IT BACK" i was like yeah i washed just like you told me too. I gave him his sweatshirt then during gym he was going around telling ppl that i had see through shorts on and He has been being a complete ass to me latly but i know i love him SOMEONE HELP ME

I dont know what to do


May 2007
12:29 PM EDT

wats up? I would like to say that I love this website it lets me get everything out. So umm today during Biology, me and my friends were talking about Boyfreinds and now my friends Jackies boyfriend is so nice to her and same wiht my friends Jasmines boyfriend but my boyfriend is a complete asshole.He isnt very nice to me, for christmas I took my christmas money and spent 150 dollars on him and pick out everyithing for him and then HIS MOM pick out a necklace for me and then went shopping 2 weeks later but he kept forgetting to bring them to my house. So like a month later i dumped him and i never go my presents.Come to find out he ate one gave one to his sister and riped apart my teddy and smashed the picture frame i gave him.A couple weeks laterwe ended up going out again and then for Valentines day i get nothing! So to make for that HIS MOM went and got me stuff for a cheering competitionbought me peeps, a teddy bear, chocolate and then didnt even right his name one a card or the bag HIS MOMdid becasue my mom brought up valentines day with his mom and sheasked Carlos ( my boyfriend) if he got me anyhting he said no so she bought me stuff. Then the next night i called him to say thank you and He said for what i said what you bought me. Oh that ( in a way that i knew he really didn't know) yeah Ummm what did i get you again? He had no idea and then he never remembers our annaversiary ever and i told him that I want to wait to do STUFF until i know i really love him and he flipped out on me and said what why would you wait to find that and i said that i want to know that you really love me and that it wont be spread around the school so that i dont get called a whore. I need help i think i really love this kid i have waited 3 years to go out with this kid and i got that chance at hte beginning of the year and now its been 7 months now and i am figure ing this out
Help me

May 2007
3:20 PM EDT

you need to figure out what you are doing who you love and what your priorites are and what you want to do with your life, you are hurting the people you love and that love you back WHAT ARE YOU DOING you need help but you wont let anyone help you because you are an independent girl you need to open up excpesially to your boyfriend who loves you very much help your self

Someone please help me


May 2007
3:07 PM EDT

i need some help I dont know what do. I feel bad nicleting my boyfriend but i have school and family issues someone help me!!!!

baby146's Profile

  • Username: baby146
  • Gender / Age: Female, 33
  • Location: USA - Massachusetts
    BABY146's Interests:

    About Me: I am a cheerleader and i play softball MySpace Profile Photo Editor

    Interests: Cheering, Tumbleing, Haning out, listening to music and of course FREINDS

    Favorite Music: EVERYTHING

    Favorite Movies: Center Stage, Freedom Writers

    Favorite Books: Little Princess, Cut, Speak, Crank