The person I admire the most was my grandmother.� Of course�she is no longer living, but she had the most admirable qualities of anyone I have known.� I wish to be like her someday.�
She was a very fair person.� She had 4 children and a bagillion and a half grandkids and great grandkids.� We were all treated equal.�� At Christmas time, we all got the same gifts.�� There was no favoritism or behavior of such.
She was a very honest person.� You asked her what she thought and she told you.�
She never made you feel as if you were less of a person even if she disagreed with you.� She let you have your own thoughts and feelings, but loved you the same no matter what.
She included everyone.� She always had an extra plate at meal times for a stranger or an extra friend.�� She always had a gift for an unexpected guest at Christmas time.�
She was kind and generous, honest and fair.�
I would like to think that I have some of those qualities, but I will always strive to be just like her.�