ampogue01's Journal

Jul 2009
4:40 PM EDT

First Entry

Well this is my first entry to my new journal. So much is going on in my life that I want to be able to look back &�possibly allow others to also one day &�see where my heart has been.

To start w/ we moved back to Florida in November mainly for me. This past March Mike &�I broke up. At the time I thought it was the best thing due to the fighting but now I find myself going crazy missing him. He has moved on w/ someone else & that a whole other entry in itself. I LOVE HIM w/ all my heart & want life to work for us, the family &�life we built, but above all because I truly to love him.

I regret more than anything the choices I have made & I know a lot of the fault falls on me. I won’t take total but I will take a HUGE part of it. The issues we had could have &�should have been worked through.

None of this matters now I have asked him back &�he said he wants to get his self together &�me get myself together but he can’t predict what the future will bring. In my heart I feel a huge part of his lack of interest in getting back together is due to her but I still can’t change that either.

What I can do is try to make the very best life I can for Aleea &�myself. Right now we are struggling &�I am so scared I won’t be able to take care of her. I know she deserves so much better than I can give her right now. One thing I do know is that she has 2 parents that love her more than life itself.

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ampogue01's Profile

  • Username: ampogue01
  • Gender / Age: Female, 44
  • Location: USA - Florida
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