VivWilson's Journal

Nov 2011
4:44 PM CDT

Well, you came last Thursday. By the way, I am totally ripping of google in a Superbowl ad. But I thought it was a great idea. Ironically, google thinks your a teen who is trying to lie their way into a gmail account since I put your birthday down once. ONE FREAKIN' TIME. And they locked down I don't know how long is going to last so I am cc'ing everything to my gmail account. At this time, your getting away with not taking the boob. I am not very happy about it. So, your mom went into labor at 8pm on Wednesday night (technically). I came home from working at Marketing Werks and had been on a cooking spree. I must have sensed it coming because I had the crock pot on a 24 hour rotation. Its a good thing because I barely had time to cook anything for the next week. Your mom said that she "leaked." Not quite sure what to make of "leaked" vs. "my water broke", I just kind of kept along with my business. I was kind of tired from trying to accomplish too much at work and at home. Then she kept on saying it over and over again. We had already been to the hospital early that morning because you did not kick her in the morning after orange juice, so I was thinking that I was not going to ruin a good nap due to the fact that your mom is just pissing herself. So I just waited until she was convinced that it was time to go to the hospital. The next 10 hours are pretty boring. It's just us sleeping while your mother is in labor, but there is not much going on. Then they gave your Mom medicine to induce contractions and start dialation. Some time later after a failing epidural, your mom was finally dilated. She pushed for 3 hours and nothing happened so finally they did a c-section. I was a little ill-prepared for the c-section. At this point in time, it is a major surgery with scalpels and mouth covers and all. They had me wait outside for what seemed like forever until they were ready to start the surgery. They they escorted me in and had me sit down beside your mom's head on the table. She was awake but numb from the diaphragm down. They said that when they get you out that I was going to stand up and take a picture of you. Well, I thought that they were going to present her or something. But when I stood up, I started to see a lot of red and silver from the surgeon's tools so I averted my eyes and snapped a picture blindly becuase I didn't want to see your Mom's insides. After everything that happened: - 28 hours of labor - 2 epidurals - 3 hours of pushing - 1 c-section I told your mom that she fell out of the pregnancy tree and hit every branch on the way down. So throughout the labor process I was thinking over and over, just get to the other side and you can stop worrying. Then they put you on the table and took me over to you and there you were. That's when I realized that the worrying was just beginning! You looked like my uncle john at first because your hair was stained red and you were so swollen from IV's and the pushing. It was unreal. Have you ever waited a long time to meet someone and then when you do you think that they don't look how I expected you to look. Your hands and feet (with the exception of your little toes, because your aunt is all over me for trying to say that you have my feet) look like mine. But at first your face didn't look much like either of us. It was wierd, usually babies have at least two things that look like one of the parents. Like the nose or the eyes. But it wasn't definitively one or the other. You were laying there crying and I put my finger in your hand and you grabbed it and started to cry less. Then I put my other hand on your body and you stopped crying all together. The nurse took you over so Brandy I and I could take pictures and hold you. Then I went with you to the nursery so you could get weighed. I had to step it up a little earlier than I thought because they were still tending to brandy. While I was there I was picking up all the tricks that others were using on the babies, like how to swaddle and such. Your Mom was impressed how I was able to just jump in and start doing stuff. When they were still tending to Brandy, the surgeon was teaching the student about the human body. Talking about where the bladder is and what the dark spot was on it etc. Then your Mom was like, "Hey doc, I want to be with my kid that I just spent 28 hours trying to get out!" I realize this message is a little long but it took me a week to get it written. When you were in the hospital with your mom for 3 more days it was OK because the nurses would bring you in for feeding and help take care of you. One night when I was walking home to take the dogs out I was thinking of you face. Then I realized something: Sometimes people fall in love for the first time when they are really young. And it doesn't even have to be a good relationship, It's just a chemical thing. It is sometimes so powerful that it effects a persons biology. Usually, these situations end very tough. And after that, when you fall in love, it is less intense than that first time. This is what happened to me, I never thought I would feel that way agian. Which isn't a bad thing, such is life. If everyone fell in love that way then everyone would be running around like lunatics, no one would go to work, etc. Well I was walking home from the hospital and i was thinking about your face. Then, I felt some bells and whistles go off in my head. I realized it was like I was falling in love for the first time, all over again. I can actually sniff you and get a buzz. I can feel the oxytosin in my brain getting let loose. Those first 48 hours after we brought you home were killer. I am told that it is always this way for babies. You ate every 2 hours. So after we wake you up, burp you, find everything, prep everything, uncloth you, change your diaper, feed you, burp you, help mom work the breast pump, and cloth you again,, there is only 1 hour left. And this is a 24 hour cycle. So finally after around 48 hours, we get faster at the routine and you take more time between feedings its more like 40min on, 1:20 off. Usually people take a lot of time off of work, but I didn't want to do that since I just started this job and my father has instilled in me a work ethic that I rarely see equaled. I want to bank my vacation days in case you get sick or brandy is going to have a meltdown, LOL. Also trying to get you breast fed. There are a lot of benefits from doing this. Whenever you eat the formula you fall right asleep but whenever you eat breastmilk you are wide awake and look like you are just learning like crazy. There is a energy drink right now called Red Bull. So now I alway joke around and ask you if you "got some of that Red Bulb." Thats all I have for now, Love You, Dad

VivWilson's Profile

  • Username: VivWilson
  • Gender / Age: Male, 41
  • Location: USA - Illinois