TheAllSeeingWolf's Journal

Jul 2015
2:39 PM CET

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��������������� There is one thing that I’m certain all of us agree on, which is that life is a son of a b****. BAD WOLF. Khm… I meant to say hard. Very hard. There is this point where you just look around, evaluating all that you have done, with everyone in it. Life is, as I see it, self centered, we all have only one perspective we know about, and can rely on. What I’m trying to say is, that I could never truly put myself into someone else’s shoes. I thought about it, a lot, but I don’t think I accepted it. There is a freaking website where they track the population. …. Those numbers resemble real lives, that are here, occupying the same earth you and me stand on. Death’s and life’s tango. There are so many people, with all kinds of thoughts, memories, actions…. It feels so unreal. Well, all in all… this was just on top of my head suddenly, and now I feel isolated.
�Frogs and love. Wolfey

Tags: life

TheAllSeeingWolf's Profile

  • Username: TheAllSeeingWolf
  • Gender / Age: Female, 28
  • Location: Sweden