Things we look for in the dark...Ange's tales of discovery

Dec 2008
12:15 PM PDT

Weirdest Romantic Passionate Dream...I had!

I dreamt that I was walking with the two doctors from the show "Nip/Tuck" but I was in a realationship with the dark-haired one.� I can't remember what happened but as we were at this affair, something occured that made the both of us mad at the other.

As we were leaving the function, I kept looking over at him, knowing that any one wrong word would have us really ugly at each other.� I knew that it would only take one word.� He knew the same.� So we both kept our conversation real low keyed.� Very careful with our words.� The tension between the two of us was so tight.� However the entire time we were walking out of the building we were holding hands.� And all the while I was looking in his direction, even though I was mad as all get up, I felt all of this love and admiration for him.

When we got outside we walked the other doctor towards his car.� I turned to go back, I think it was the building or the car, when he stopped and looked at me.� We both looked at each other.� Again, carefully with our words we sort of apologized to each other.� Then we kissed.� Not a nasty kiss, nor a sexy kiss.� A passionate kiss, filled with love.� And as we kissed it made us feel closer to each other.� We stopped kissing for a while, looked at each other and started kissing again.� While kissing I noticed that he had some dirt like substance on his back that I brushed off.� Then I hugged him, feeling all of this love for him.� We kissed again.� I told him how much I loved him and admired him.

I woked up wondering why in the world I had that dream.� I then realized that it was not because I had a crush on him, but it was because I was, no am missing something, no missing the romance in my life.� That dream pretty much stayed with me all day.

I will be 50 in February and I have been looking for that romantic type love for the past 40 plus years.� Guess it may be too late now.� Or maybe I need to find something else to fill that void instead of eating and cat--napping.

Hopefully with this reconstructive surgery on my knee in January, I will be better able to walk again, return to school and work, and get out and do something nice for myself.� It has been 6 plus years that I have been off work because of this knee injury and everything has changed.� I don't really want to be stuck complaining because there are others who are worse off than me so I guess shut up is in order and finding something for me positive to do.

This past Thursday I had to go see a vocational rehabilitation counselor and was that a trip!.� Let's see for me to have a knee that doesn't flex or extend, I had to walk up 10 steps, then 5 steps, then 8 steps, then 4 more steps.� And after all that I got to walk back down those steps.� Why would a voc-rehab counselour have an office up on the second floor since she knows she's dealing with a client who may have a lower extremity injury?� Damn!

Taylorange's Profile

  • Username: Taylorange
  • Gender / Age: Female, 66
  • Location: USA - California
    Photo Album

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    TAYLORANGE's Interests:

    Interests: My interests are reading, listening to music, learning to crochet and paint. Playing with my grandson, Jayden. I dabble at gardening and at times I'mm pretty good at it.

    Favorite Music: I like smooth jazz, some old school and a little new age.

    Favorite Movies: "A Walk in The Clouds". "Kinky Boots". "10,000 Men Named George". "Devil in a Blue Dress". "Talk To Me". "Trading Places". "The Parent Trap" (1998 version). "The Color Pruple".

    Favorite Television: Law and Order, Law and Order SVU, Sex and the City, Six Feet Under, CSI, Old reruns of Nash Bridges and Homicide, Life on the Streets. Grey's Anatomy. Dallas, Bewitched, and alot of other old stuff.

    Favorite Books: Most anything Robin Cook has written. All Aunt Hagar's Children. I just like to read!