Thought that I would try the online journal route.� I think I have talked individuals to death about what I am going thru (or for a lack of better words have put myself thru).� I at times, most times, feel like I cannot heal myself.� The deep internal sadness that grabs me up and squeezes tight each and everyday.� Somedays are better than others, but when the bad days come it is something else. I keep starting journals and never finish.� I also do not like going back and reading what I've wrttten.� I end up hating that person that I portray in the journals.� But maybe eventually writting in this or whatever journal I stick with, will prove to be theraputic.� Perhaps I can make a book out of it.� I have taking a couple of creative writing classes� so who knows.� So I will attempt to take the positive route and keep up with this and work through whatever is bothering me, and right now that's alot!� Hopefully I will also receive some feedback/comments to also assist with the process of moving forward.