SweetRain's Journal

Sep 2006
12:59 PM EDT

Huh...that little thing tha Abraham said makes complete sense, its actually a great thing to live by....Yeah i know i am rather pathetic at writing journals, when i picture pepope writing journals i always see them writing these things that are full of meaning, i guess i just write about what ever happens to be in my head at the moment, i write about the trivial things in life...they are more fun anyway and tend to have the most impact on people so i as i like to say what ever lights your fire (well i have many variations of the same phrase). But I have sme homework that i have been putting off all weekend, well actually since thursday, its due tomorrw....*sigh* when will they ever find the cure for procrastination?

SweetRain's Profile

  • Username: SweetRain
  • Gender / Age: Female, 35
  • Location: Canada