StuckInMI's Journal
Nov 2006
6:15 PM EDT
Well where do I begin to explain my complicated situation? I guess the beginning. Okay well it all started when after one bad relationship after another that I had a revalation. Why bother with this thing called love? If only one person gives 100% of their all and the other doesn't why even give that 100%? So after much soul searching I decided that I was going to just do away with the whole notion of love. I was doing so well when this amazing man walked into my life. He offered me all the things that I had wanted, but the timing was totally off. SO I had a big decision to make. Do I take the plunge and may get a heartbreak again? Or do I just let this pass and hope that one day when I am ready I will find him again? I decided that I've lived my life on the safe side, always weighing the pros and cons, maybe that is why I was always chose the wrong person. So I took the plunge. But I knew that this plunge was not going to be easy. You see I was leaving in 6 months to come to Michigan to begin my life. Law School. Well here I am in Michigan while the man that I love is in NY. Can I just tell you the jealousy that runs through my veins! He's home hanging with his friends, and I am stuck here with no one but chips, dip, and Criminal Pro. I know he's not doing anything to jeapordize our relationship, but there is a nagging feeling that whenever he's out with his friends something can happen. I guess the insecurity comes from the fact that every single past relationship has turned out with another person taking my place; and I was in the freaking same STATE! Maybe it's just my insecurities that are playing with my head. Or maybe its the fact that if I had someone here to hang with I wouldn't feel so bad. I don't know what it is but I'm hoping it will pass...I hope. -C-
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Gender / Age:
Female, 42
USA - Michigan
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