Just another sad story...

Jul 2009
4:40 PM EDT

The Darkest of Shadows

Some say they only come out at night,

Staying out out of your line of sight...

Because you have something that they desperately want,

And they'll wait until you give into their taunt...

Once upon a time,

There was a little girl who committed a crime.

They told her he was wrong,

But she was to far gone...

So they took away her crown,

And banised her from the town...

He tricked her into giving up her life

And did away with her, with a sharp bladed knife...

And a�hundred years later, the chaos started again,

As he waited for a new story to begin...

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  • Username: Sportygirl15
  • Gender / Age: Female, 31
  • Location: USA - Michigan
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    SPORTYGIRL15's Interests:

    Interests: Equestrian team Hunting Barrel Racing Poetry Running(for fun) Chatting Does shopping count? lol

    Favorite Music: Anything that does not involve opera, oldies, jazz, or anything along those lines, but my fav song is: Dont Speak Liar by We The Kings

    Favorite Movies: The Titannic

    Favorite Television: South Park, Family Guy, Knight Rider, Gossip Girl, did I miss anything?

    Favorite Books: Same difference, Would You, The book of Luke, and more