Secret Nan Diary

Oct 2015
9:12 AM GMT

I've come to the conclusion that I should never read my old diaries. I have just read last Christmas day's entry and I had forgotten how we had all had a lovely day until AJ�kicked off and caused a massive row with me after SJ and MS had gone to bed. I had totally forgotten you how upset I was. �I never could figure out why she did it. �But it has made me very sad again to read it.

Mind you I am already feeling a bit off emotionally today after receiving the letter to ring the surgery about my blood test last Thursday. The receptionist told me that it was an adverse reading and this is why the doctor needs to speak to me. I am sure she was never meant to tell me that. I have made an appointment to have a telephone consultation with Dr Jenny on Wednesday morning. � I am sure she is just going to tell me that my cholesterol reading is above the 5 and will therefore put me back on Simvastatin. �However that doesn't stop me having a little niggle of worry about it.

MS also contacted me this morning, via Skype, asking me if I could meet with him for lunch to discuss the fact that he has now learnt his lesson and is hoping that SJ and he can get back together again. �I simply told him it was between him and SJ and I was going to keep out of it. He felt it was okay to contact me because SJ had just told him to keep away from her family for two weeks and the two weeks is now up.� I will of course tell SJ about it but I don't want her really to let him know that I have told her. �But that of course is up to her.

I have had fun this morning though. I've made a start on the boxes for Christmas that I am going to make up for everybody's presents this year. I thought if I didn't make a start soon it would be a mad rush nearer Christmas.

Some things that I put in their boxes are going to be bought and other things I am going to make. Today I had the idea of giving them each a game. First of all I thought of things like marbles and jacks and other old-fashioned games, but then I thought about more grown up games.

What I have decided to do is to buy each of them a pretty 2 oz tobacco tin and in that tin put a game. The games I have chosen are, Bingo, Shut the Box, Yatzee and Farkle. �I had never heard of Farkle before, but I came across it on the web when I was looking for scorecards to print off for one of the other games. In each of the tins I will put any dice, notepad, scorecards, pencils and such that each game needs. I don't know yet to whom I will give which game. �I have also made a start on picking out the tobacco tins on Amazon that I will buy for the games though.

Oct 2015
9:15 AM GMT

AJ rang me the moment she was out of the hospital to say that they managed to get that bloody coil out of her in the end without too much trouble but with a lot of pain.� Bloody NHS should have sorted all of this a long time ago.� Thank God she was able to get it done privately in the end.� Now she just needs to make a decision as to whether she has that one ovary removed or see how it goes for a while.

SJ came to lunch and was still excited over MS paying off �2000 from one of her credit cards in the hopes that she will go back to him.� She feels mean letting him do that but when you think of the thousands of pounds he owes me and I will never get back now, �2000 going to SJ is peanuts.� I'd rather she get something out of him even if I can't, as long as he is coughing up something.

Everything I ordered on line this last few days arrived today.� The new bag to carry puppy, my e-ciggy refills and the lovely new long scarf I have bought for my hair.� I am fed up with continually having to just use this brown/beige one I have.�

I had just dozed off this afternoon on my comfy chair when JJ turned up unexpectedly.� I love to see my girls.� A couple of hours later we both went back to theirs for me to have dinner and stay for the evening.� I nearly didn't go as I had been feeling sick and dizzy since lunch time.

I'd had a lunch from the Lunch Club and within an hour I had started feeling off colour.� This seems to happen now every time I have one of their meals.� I am wondering if they are using something in their cooking that disagrees with me.� One thought is that instead of using sugar for their puddings they are maybe adding an alternative.� It's the only thing I can think of that would affect every meal they dish up.� I do know that they are following the government guide lines for cutting down or out salt and sugar.��

As I write this now at 10pm I am feeling much better.

Oct 2015
9:15 AM GMT

Woke up to find that they had turned the main heating for the building on, which meant I didn't have to use my individual radiator which costs money.

Tried to use the new scarf on my hair but unfortunately, while beautiful, it's too long and too wide to use on my hair. Bummer!� But will use it as a regular scarf.

I had my telephone appointment with the doctor at midday and just as I thought my cholesterol has gone up.� I in no way expected it to be as high as she told me it is though at 6.5 - I did expect it might be as much as 5.5 but bloody hell, 6.5 is ridiculous.� So it's back on the statins for me.� Needless to say I am not happy.

SJ sent JJ to fetch me as soon as I told her my phone call with the doctor was finished.� She didn't come herself as the chaps were there fixing the windows.� I only stayed for the afternoon as SJ was going to the cinema with MS this evening.�� She can't wait for Aimee to get all her medical issues sorted on MS's insurance so that she can then make it clear to him that she isn't going back to him.

I wasn't happy because SJ got MS to drop me off home on their way to the cinema.� I really, really didn't want to have to be pleasant to him.� I loath the man so much now.� Trouble was he went out of his way to talk to me on the journey home and I couldn't bloody ignore him as he has to be kept happy just for a short while longer.� Thank God the journey only took 10 minutes.

Oct 2015
5:17 PM GMT

I've had a quiet day today. I hadn't planned to do anything so it wasn't a surprise.

So that I didn't sit down all day on the computer and just play, I decided to set my timer so that every 20 minutes it would go off and I would then get up and do something active for a few minutes. �It's a great way of getting the mundane chores done when feeling lazy.

I sorted out some of the junk I had stored in the cupboard on the landing. �There is less than I thought there was. I'll finish it off another time.

I think I'm finally coming to the end of all the sorting out and throwing away. �I've still got the cupboard on the wall in my bedroom to sort out, and I must also make a start soon on clearing out the sideboard. Of course the sideboard has all the photographs stored in it, which are going to take me a long time to go through.

Even after all this clearing out and throwing away I don't seem to be getting any nearer being minimalistic.

Louie and I also took a stroll along the high street after lunch. �It was quite warm for October. �I remembered to take my shopping bag. �It's the first time I've been to the shops since the carrier bag charge came in three days ago.

I walked virtually the whole length of the town and back but found nothing I wanted. �So it was into the Co-op for a couple of bits and then home.

I've been good and stuck to the 1000 calories that I alocated myself today. �I also worked out that 20% of my daily calories are taken up with my hot drinks. I must admit that was a bit of a shock. I have started to cut those down though. Today I have made sure that I have only had 5 cups of tea, one coffee, and one drinking chocolate. I have also managed to drink 1� litres of water. �If only I could keep this up every day for a few weeks, I would soon lose these extra pounds.

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  • Username: SecretNanDiary
  • Gender / Age: Female, 77
  • Location: United Kingdom
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    SECRETNANDIARY's Interests:

    Favorite Movies: Supernatural, NCIS,

    Favorite Books: The Belgarian, Midnight is a Lonely Place,