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ScienceNerd7's Journal
May 2010
4:29 PM CST
Explination for Creation and First Socal Log
I have decided to start a online journal, for i can make it more secure than on paper, and my previous log, hidden im my legos, will be burned during the next bonfire, or i will soak it in a solution of 5 to 1 for food coloring, and then throw it away.
I belive if anyone was to read my previous journal, or for this matter my last journal, it would be quite devistating, not to mention embarassing. Some people have heard i keep a log of socal interactions, but hopefully no one belives me.
The main reason for this blog is to perform a socal experiment. Simply i will be keeping this some-what detailed log or journal of my daily socal interactions, and to my whimsy, my daily feelings.
Socal Log #1:
May 1st 3010,
I anticipated going to Party America today, to purchase dectorations for the party next week end. Of course, after getting ready, my friends,( sara, brad, megan, emily, abby, and others) could not come last minute. I stayed home, changed into my geeky pajamas and then watched big bang. Next, my mother brought me to ikea, we talked much, mostly about the enviroment, but some other topics arouse such as my use of large words, and medival churches.
After the tiring day, i came home, and talked to my father but mainly my mother. Eventually i had nothing else to say but i felt the need to continue socal interactions, so i talked to my mother of the stupidity and idiocracy of the school district 112.
Today, Brandon Flanders made it present to me i can block people before adding them. This started a chain of thought leading to me adding my acquantinces from church, but blocking my youth pastor and his wife, because they comment on my statuses, and yell at me forcing me to remove my opinons. Jesse Davies tried to add me, my youth pastors brother in law, but i know that if i add him, he might mention somting to brandon, but if i dont, he might mention somthing to me infront of brandon. I think my best course will be to add him if he requests me again. I also think i might have to block more people before they find me, that way i will reduce the option of a akward and or painful situation.
Daily Socal Interactions Log#1
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- 02:44 PM - 05/07/2010
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Male, 29
USA - Minnesota
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