So it's now 2010. I can't believe its been roughly 10 months since I've typed an entry. I know that time and time again I've said I would seriously try to keep a consistent journal/diary thing; obviously I have not succeeded. Well why don't we start with what I'm doing.
Its 10:48, Thursday, and mom wants me to go to sleep. I agreed providing that I can finish an entry first. We all know that's going to take awhile, when was the last time I wrote a short entry? I am currently listening to�"Burn For You" by Toby Mac, while I wait for "Love Like This" by SS501 to sync into my mp3. I can't believe Emily knows them too!!
Hmm...Looks like I better hurry, mom really wants me to sleep early. Can't say I blame her, we're going to Winter Camp Nakamun tomorrow after school.
Well, looks like I'll have to end it here, which is quite sad seeing that I've only got the introduction out. My mom thinks this computer is off, and that I am in my cozy bed sleeping. I was going to write about a lot things too! I wanted to talk a bit about Tamora Pierce and why I'm attempting to keep a journal again, about the Grade 9 shots (including the one we got today), about Kelsey, the social project, and just generally the stuff that's been happening and my feelings. But sometimes it feels as if writing about the hold would take as long as the whole day. I guess I'll continue this tomorrow. Oh wait, I'm off to Camp Nakamun at� 5:30 tomorrow. With school and packing, I highly doubt I'll be able to find the time to go on the computer.
I better get going, I really need to sleep. I haven't been sleeping enough lately...I can't seem to get in habit after winter break. Shoot, I have to go. I hear something in the other room. Hopefully its not mom coming to check on me.
Goodnight and with lots of love,