
Jun 2010
4:59 AM EDT

Last nite I cried....

We have been spending alot of� time together, last nite I went and picked up john after I got off from work, our feet were tired and burning from standing so long. I wanted to show him rather than tell�him that I love him deeply. so with dj's help I set� the bathroom with candles, music and bubbles made sure his�towel was ready�for him.� He was so suprised! I think he may have wanted me to join him, but I� wanted�the moment�to about�him as well as for�him so I declined the invitation. When he� finished soaking��the room appeared tidy (I pulled an�xe move and shoved everything under the bed)�lol :). This is when he informed with tears in his�eyes that this was the most thoughtfu, sensual thing someone has ever done for him. Which shocked me, I did as he requested and held him until I fell asleep. It was beautiful!
Earlier the same day we took a shower together it was nice. I see he likes living on the edge,� we did the damn thang, while my daughter was on the computer. Hmmm it was so fucking good! l�� lets see that was monday, on� sunday he let�� his guard down a bit when we were intimate, he sucked my toes as well as some other orifices. We� cant get enough of each other,in a couple of weeks our lives will be� in unison. He loves me, with all my character defects which are many. when its time for him to go to work often times he becomes a bit disgruntled. He doesnt like to be away from the kids and I, which is understandble.
We were playing a word game one would start the sentence and the other would have to finish it. Well durning one of the rounds he informed me that his estranged wife knew about us. Iam confident, that his brother took it upon himself to disclose �our damn business. Not that I have anything to hide, but I wanted to keep our situation on the low til his divorce was final. Although things didnt go as plan they did� work out fo the best!. Now that� everyone� is cognizant of our relationship, I feel� a weight has been lifted. No more� secrecy! Hey it is what it is! He� has told me several times he doesnt give a damn or fuck what others think about us being together including his mother.
Oh yeah I helped file for divorce, I got the diy divorce packet, showed him how to fill it out, took him to the county clerk's office to file the�� paper work..... I saw his face illuminate , his feet seem to be made of springs. He was so energized, I love to see him like this versus him walking with his down.

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  • Username: NoDeadenz
  • Gender / Age: Male, 22
  • Location: USA - New York
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