
Aug 2009
2:54 PM EDT

hmmm ijdu

I just dont understand I went to church last night, the prophet was there and he told me somethings I could concur with. However some things he spoke left me mystifed, like the fact that he stated my husband is tall and muscular. He stated I met him b4. Im not seriously dating anyone presently. Just trying take care of self, relationship are alot of work! Met someone Wednesday, he seems ok. Hi name is J. I can tell he has been hurt/used in the past. J is very guarded as well as I, the difference is he believes every woman will hurt him specifically me. I only reciprocate how I'd like to be treated; with kindness as well as respect. He tells me many things like a woman he dealt with in the past approached him. I dont mind really, because we arent committed to one another. Secondly if he is feeling me like he states then why� would he venture into�perilous territories. J is so fragmented, cautious, in addition to being cute. He is easily upset, not prepared to fall in love with anyone right now. It takes time to get to know someone, not sure if I want to get aquainted with anyone presently.

Eliis called me spoke to him briefly, trying to weazel himself back into my good graces. Not going down,� recovering from his bullshit nicely I must say! He isnt serious about me. Not a problem!� keep it moving is what I intend on doing. Not gonna settle for less than what I deserve. No clue as to what he's been doing, dont really care to be honest. He would prefer I stayed home, learning the techniques of crocheting, needle point or some other dull hobby!� He wants me all to himself, yet does not have a clue as to hold my attention.

Kind of enjoying my singleness, J's motives are clear he wants me! I put it out there for him to� mull over. (The no compromising clause I have for my admirers. ) Told him its ok if he� has sex with someone else. After all how would I know, secondly Iam not his woman! Since� Wednesday he has called me, stopped by made me laugh hugged me. Having a great time, so far......

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  • Username: NoDeadenz
  • Gender / Age: Male, 22
  • Location: USA - New York
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