
Jan 2009
11:56 AM EDT

Today is fucked up

the day didnt start off so well, we had a disagreement, it was nasty! I cursed him out several times.. I apologized but still feel bad and this transpired this morning its 2 in the afternoon. He hurt me and vice versa Im sure. He said during out heated argument dont ever call me again, which is my worst fear. That is what really hurt me most, the idea of him� not being a part of me..� I dont want to start crying� so Iam going to stop talking about "him". I went to the doctor if that's what you want to� call it, had� a check up done and found out that the pain I have is caused by I have to take a breather.... the pain in my stomach is caused by cyst that are on my cervix. I recall a couple years agao b4 i had dj my doctor wanted me to go through with a procedure but I refused. Now I wish I would've.

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  • Username: NoDeadenz
  • Gender / Age: Male, 22
  • Location: USA - New York
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