
Jan 2009
4:03 PM EDT

Butt of All Butts

That's how� I'd describe my paternal father, he is insensitive and selfish that is putting it midly. It took alot for me not to curse his old ass out.� How dare he come to my without� any gifts for his grandkids, but want me to wrap some gifts he bought for somone else's children. Regardless of the fact that my children have plenty of material things,� I cant see his logic. He has always done me and his other children this way, going the extra mile for others while his family does� without. Maybe I shouldnt expect anything different, after all past behaviors are indicative of the future. When my sister came to the door� I informed here he was here, she got back in her car and drove off.

I chatted with "him" briefly" via text, he also called me,apologizing for not giving me "phone time". I was being neglected by him, what took him so long to see it? Huh men I tell ya. Often times I cant read "him" left guessing what is on his my mind dont like this. I would prefer he told me was forward with me. Trying to occupy my time with whatever distraction is useful. not working out to well/. He has alot of idosyncracies, that may provide a challeng for me. I have a list of his peculiar behaviors, I should put them on paper. Everything he consumes is� done so with a fork,� (even ice cream) his clothes must be folded immediately� after� coming out the dryer,� no sleeping or lounging on the furniture, all clothes must ironed in a room (not on the floor), all music must be confined to the bedroom on low, no food in the fridge with foil on it, dont reheat his food in the microwave, no dishes left in the sink over night, dont use the dishwasher, hair products ,curling irons in the bathroom only, no food of any kind in the bedroom, no trash in the house, Im sure there is more to come. He is very rigid in some of his views, ridiculous� I would say

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  • Gender / Age: Male, 22
  • Location: USA - New York
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